About Us

Autism ACCESS (Advancing Collaborative, person-Centered Educational Support and Services) Lab is an educational research lab led by Dr. Catharine Lory in the Department of Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education at UNLV. In collaboration with faculty, students, and community partners, Autism ACCESS Lab conducts research to expand what we know about autism and learn about the diverse needs of autistic children and adults. In addition, the research team in Autism ACCESS Lab develops individualized, person-centered support and services for students with autism to serve their educational and behavioral needs, and engages with families, educators, and direct support professionals to address these needs.


We generate and disseminate research-based knowledge to: (1) advance our understanding of the characteristics of autism and the needs of individuals with autism, (2) promote access to meaningful educational support and services for individuals with autism through collaborative effort with the autistic individual, their family, educators, and service professionals.

Contact Information

Interested to join us as a student researcher or be a research participant? Let us know!

Find us at UNLV

Carlson Education Building

4504 Maryland Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89154-3014

Email us

Dr. Catharine Lory
Email: catharine.lory@unlv.edu

Contact Us
